鳳甲美術館 Hong-Gah Museum
開放時間 Open Hours 10:30-17:30(週一休館 Closed on Monday)
11F., No. 166, Daye Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11268, Taiwan
TEL 886-2-28942272︱www.hong-gah.org.tw
朵貝.空梅達爾 |
挪威 |
Tove Kommedal |
Norway |
2013, single-channel, 3'53" |
挪威藝術家朵貝.空梅達爾畢業於莫拉藝術學院,在挪威各地有豐富的展出經驗,作品創作涉及錄像、裝置等各種類型;目前也涉入跨領域的計劃操作,其作品亦曾於斯塔萬格海事博物館中展出。朵貝.空梅達爾自2010年起,展開名為《dEFINISJONSMAKT》(定義權力)的系列創作計劃;該系列創作嘗試以生態女性主義的觀點,切入討論斯塔萬格地區政府為了控制烏鴉數量,而祭出獵殺烏鴉賞金的政策。《無題》一作為《dEFINISJONSMAKT》系列創作的延伸,呈現出漫遊者企圖穿越和聯結不連續地景的情境。 |
Graduating from Mølla Kunstskole, Norwegian artist Tove Kommedal has rich exhibition experiences all over Norway. She works in a variety of media such as moving images and installations. With an interest in interdisciplinary creation, Kommedal's works were seen in Stavanger Martime Museum as well. Since 2010, Tove Kommedal initiated a project called "dEFINISJONSMAKT" (the power to define), in which the artist tries to probe from the angle of ecofeminism into the bounty policy of crow-hunting by which Stavanger government wants to gain control over crow's number."Untitled", served as the extension of the series of "dEFINISJONSMAKT", depicts a scenario in which a roamer tries to cross and connect landscapes that do not quite fit together. |